Algebraic topology, especially homotopy theory and functor calculus, sometimes ∞-categories
Bayerische kleine Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Topological Modular Forms" (Bayreuth, 14.12.2019) (program)
Assistant for Topology 1 (taught by Michael Weiss)
PhD students seminar on Goodwillie Calculus (program co-written by Jonas McCandless)
Seminar "Topologie im Euklidischen Raum" with Michael Weiss (program)
Assistant and Tutorials for Homotopy Theory I (taught by Arthur Bartels)
Seminar on "Configuration Space Integrals and Diffeomorphisms (together with Jens Reinhold and Michael Weiss)(program)
Assistant for "Lineare Algebra II" (von Martin Hils)
Assistant for "Lineare Algebra I" (von Martin Hils)
Seminar "Lie-Gruppen und die Klassifikation halbeinfacher Lie-Algebren" (together with Michael Weiss) (program)
Tutorials for "Topologie III" (Michael Weiss' lecture notes)
Seminar "Rationale Homotopietheorie" (together with Michael Weiss) (program)